
TV broadcast of Manneken Swing


How did jazz music, a sim­ple mean of expres­sion of moder­ni­ty in the 30s and 40s, became pro­pa­gan­da under the nazi occupation?

You will dis­cov­er it with the tele­vi­sion broad­cast on March 31 at 11:45 pm on La Trois (RTBF) and Auvio, of the doc­u­men­tary MAN­NEKEN SWING by Julien Bechara & David Deroy.

"Jump Out" as one of the selected project to M:brane Forum - RealYoung 2020


Nika Sar­a­van­ja’s doc­u­men­tary Jump Out” is select­ed as one of the RealY­oung 2020 projects at the M:brane Forum in Malmö, Sweden.

The project will be pre­sent­ed at the pro­fes­sion­al meet­ings, par­tic­i­pate to work­shops and will be pitched there.
RealY­oung is help­ing cre­ators bring their real-life sto­ries aimed at younger audi­ences to the next level.

Public Enemy season 2 is now available in UK on Sky Atlantic

New release

✝️ Pub­lic Ene­my Sea­son 2 is now on Sky Atlantic every Fri­day night, also avail­able on VOD ! 🌲🇬🇧

KIOSK, back on stage to forefront of the performing arts in 2020

New release

KIOSK, your new per­form­ing arts mag­a­zine is back on stage for 2020!

Broad­cast every Fri­day evening on La Trois (RTBF). All the episodes are avail­able online on Auvio!