

New release


From Octo­ber 1st, and every­where in the world, redis­cov­er the first two sea­sons of Pub­lic Ene­my on the famous Net­flix* plat­form!
What bet­ter way to get your head around the sto­ry before the launch of the final season?

*Except in France for the moment where the series is still avail­able on Polar+.



The shoot­ing of THE VIR­GIN AND CHILD, Binevsa Berivan’s first fea­ture film, co-writ­ten with David Lam­bert, has start­ed.

The shoot­ing is tak­ing place main­ly in Brus­sels and is sup­port­ed by our co-pro­duc­er Polar Bear, and our numer­ous part­ners such as the Cen­tre du Ciné­ma de la FWB, Screen Brus­sels, Vlaamse Audio­vi­sueel Funds, Prox­imus, BeTV, Shel­ter prod, Taxshel​ter​.be and ING, DGD — devel­op­ment coop­er­a­tion, and Tri­o­dos Bank.

On this occa­sion, Cinevox wrote a nice arti­cle to read!

Life, Assembled premieres at BRIFF 2022!


Life, Assem­bled has been select­ed in the Green Plan­et cat­e­go­ry at BRIFF Fes­ti­val 2022!

The film will be screened at the fes­ti­val on June 25th at UGC De Brouck­ère in Brussels.

There will be a meet and greet with the direc­tor Elodie Degavre after the movie, we hope to see you there!

A new award for A New Perspective !


A New Per­spec­tive direct­ed by Emanuela Pon­zano and co-pro­duced by Play­time Films won the Coup de Coeur RTBF” Award at the Le court en dit long Fes­ti­val in Paris!